De Lëtz Cybersecurity Challenge (LCSC), ass déi national Hacking Competitioun a viséiert Jonker vu 14 bis 25 Joer. D’Ziel ass et, net nëmme jonk Talenter ze fannen, mee och jonk Leit z’encouragéieren Beruffer am Beräich vun der Cybersécherheet z’ergräifen; an dee Beräich ass immens vaste. Doriwwer eraus fördert den LCSC séchert online Behuelen, andems op Informatiounssécherheet Problematiken opmierksam gemaach gëtt.

Duerch den LCSC, gëtt d’National-Team identifizéiert, dat Lëtzebuerg um European Cybersecurity Challenge (ECSC) wäert représentéieren. Den ECSC ass eng Initiative vun der European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) an ass dëst Joer zu Hamar, Norwegen vum 24. bis 27. Oktober.

Wann s de eppes kanns, weis et!
LCSC Qualifier online: 25APR – 14MAY
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The Lëtz Cybersecurity Challenge (LCSC), is the National Hacking Championship of Luxembourg and targets mainly open-minded creative digital natives from 14 to 25 years. The aim is not only to find talent, but encourage young people to pursue a career in cybersecurity and related disciplines. Furthermore, LCSC promotes safe online behaviour by raising awareness of information security issues. It also develops expertise and interest in cybersecurity through challenging games and skill tests.

Through the LCSC, the national team will be identified to represent the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg at the European Cybersecurity Challenge (ECSC) to take place in Hamar, Norway, 24-27 October 2023. The ECSC is an initiative of the European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA).